Friday, December 31, 2010

What digunakan untuk menanyakan:Umur,kelas,hobby.

V. Asking about "Usia/umur"
1.What is your age? - I am sixteen years old.
2.What is her age? - She is fifteen years old.
3.What is Tono's age? - He is fourteen years old.

VI. Asking about "class"
1.What year are you in? - I am in the second years of junior high school.
2.What year is she in? - She is in the firs year of senior high school.
3.What class are you? - I am in the firs class of elementary school.

VII.Asking about "Hobby"
1.What is your hobby? - My hobby is reading.
2.What is your mother's hobby? - Her hobby is cooking.
3.What is his hobby? - His hobby is listening to music.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Materi kursus


(Question word ( kata tanya )

"What" untuk menanyakan:

I. Nama suatu benda
1.Wha is this? - This is a book.
2.What is that? - That is a pen.
3.What are these? - These are books.
4.What are those? - Those are pens.

II. Character/sifat suatu benda
1.What book is this? - This is an English book.
2.What student is that? - That is an SMA student.

III. Asking someone's name ( nama seseorang )
1.What is your name? - My name is John.
2.What is her name? - Her name is Siska.
3.What is your father's name? - His name is Abdullah.

IV. Asking someone's characteristic ( sifat seseorang )
1.What is Siska like? - She is beautiful.
2.What is your mother like? - She is patient.