Cara membuat saran yaitu:
1.S + should + V-1
2.S + should better + V-1
3.Why don't you + V-1
* I will have exam
1.You should study hard
2.You should better study hard
3.Why don't you study hard
*I am hungry
1.You should eat noodle
2.You should better eat noodle
3.Why don't you eat meatball
*I am thirsty
1.You should drink a glass of milk
2.You should better drink a glass of milk
3.Why don't you drink a glass of milk
*I have toothache
1.You should go to dentist
2.You should better go to dentist
3.Why don't you go to dentist
*I am tired
1.You should take a rest
2.You should better take a rest
3.Why don't you take a rest
Hi Ustadzah you are the best student in our school. it is not only prefers in English but also in operating technology. do your self everyday it will make you more and more the best